Professional Development

No more wasted time with PD not specific to you. Our PD will be geared to your specific needs and growth of your entire staff, program, and student body. More than just skill enhancement, our sessions expand your professional network, deeping your understanding of athletic development and community building.

Professional development and inservice topics

  • Basic Programming
  • Culture of Success in the Weight Room
  • Injury Prevention & Active Recovery
  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition
  • Chunking Philosophy
  • Fitting summer programs with KSHAA
  • Olympic Lifting
  • Partner Work
  • Speed & Agility During Class Time
  • Streamlining Programming
  • Techniques & Coaching Queues
  • VBT with APRE
  • Community Awareness
  • K-12 Program Development
  • Developing Tiers in your Curriculum
  • Weight Room Layout

Contact us to learn more about Professional Development

How can we help you build up your athletes?